2018 Subaru IRONMAN Mont-Tremblant

The quaint, rustic village of Mont-Tremblant is home to the IRONMAN Mont-Tremblant. The surrounding area is known for its hiking, skiing, kayaking, golfing and cycling—making it an idyllic location for IRONMAN athletes and their families and friends. The village of Mont-Tremblant and its surrounding communities offer a walkable, easily navigable location for all your race-week activities. Athletes will start the 2.4-mile (3.8 km) swim in Lac Tremblant, which in August boasts comfortably warm, wetsuit-legal temperatures. The quarter-mile run to T1 is lined with a soft red carpet, and cheering spectators. The two-loop, 112-mile (180 km) bike course runs through Mont-Tremblant’s forests and low lying mountains, offering challenging elevations and highly spectator-friendly vantage points. The two-loop, 26.2-mile (42.2 km) run course takes full advantage of the famous Le P’*** Train du Nord, a former railway bed turned into the longest linear park in Canada. Note that this once crushed gravel path has now been paved for the event. The run, lined with enthusiastic spectators, takes runners past a waterfall alongside Lac Tremblant and into the heart of the pedestrian village of Tremblant Resort. Fievent.com | Contact | Privacy | Terms