INTER_POEMS 4: Erín Moure and Uljana Wolf

inter_poems 4 leads us into «translantic» fields, as Uljana Wolf would put it: on neither side of the Atlantic, but into the in-between, the third space of translation. Erín Moure’s multilingual poetry merges Canadian English with Portuguese and its historical precursor, the Galician of the trovadores — poems that Uljana Wolf responds to with a German affected by Middle High German Minnesang. Both poets read from their books and talk with Daniel Graf about mother tongues in the plural mode, interferences of writing and translating, and translation as a critical interrogation of concepts of the «foreign» and the «self». *** Der vierte Abend der Reihe inter_poems führt uns in «Translantisches», wie Uljana Wolf sagen würde. Nicht nach dies- oder jenseits des Atlantik, sondern ins Dazwischen, in den dritten Raum der Übersetzung, zwischen den Sprachen, zwischen den Literaturen. Erín Moure aus Kanada und Uljana Wolf (D/US) sind als Autorinnen gleichermaßen Über-Setzer zwischen Nordamerika und Old Europe. Erín Moures mehrsprachige Lyrik durchzieht das kanadische Englisch mit einer Tonspur aus Portugiesisch und dessen historischem Vorläufer, dem Galizischen – eine Lyrik, die Uljana Wolf u.a. auf Mittelhochdeutsch re-inszeniert. Beide sprechen mit Daniel Graf über Muttersprachen im Plural, das Übersetzen als Erkundungsraum von «Eigenem» und «Fremdem» und über Interferenzen zwischen Schreiben und Übersetzen. Erin Moure, born 1955 in Calgary, has published 16 books of poetry in English and Galician/English, a book of essays, and has translated 15 volumes of poetry into English from French, Spanish, Galician and Portuguese, by poets such as Nicole Brossard, Andrés Ajens, Louise Dupré, François Turcot, Rosalía de Castro, Chus Pato and Fernando Pessoa. Her work has received the Governor General’s Award, Pat Lowther Memorial Award, A.M. Klein Prize twice. Her latest works are «Insecession» (BookThug, 2014), an autobiography and poetics published in one volume with Chus Pato’s biopoetics «Secession», and «Kapusta» (Anansi, 2015), a sequel to her book «The Unmemntioable» (sic), which speaks of the second world war as lived in Ukraine and northern Alberta. A major retrospective of her poetry, edited by Shannon Maguire, is forthcoming in 2017. Erín Moure lives in Montréal. Uljana Wolf, aka Jane Flow, born 1979 in Berlin, lives and works in Berlin and Brooklyn. She has published three volumes of poetry, «kochanie ich habe brot gekauft» (2005), «falsche freunde» (2009), and «Meine schönste Lengevitch» (2013) as well as the essay «BOX OFFICE» (2010) and a joint sonnet erasure project with Christian Hawkey, «Sonne From Ort» (2012). She has translated English-language poets such as John Asbery, Matthea Harvey, Yoko Ono, and Cole Swensen into German, but also poetry from Polish, most recently „Tumor Linguae“ by Eugeniusz Tkaczyszyn-Dycki (with Michael Zgodzay). Her own work has been translated into a large number of languages. She has received numerous prizes for her literary works and translations, including the Peter Huchel Prize and the Adalbert von Chamisso Prize. Wolf teaches German and Literary Translation at New York University, the Pratt Institute, at Humboldt University Berlin and at the University of Vienna. Moderation: Daniel Graf Admission charge: 6 Euro (reg.) / 4 Euro (red.) Readings in English and German (with some Portuguese and Galician), conversation in English Hinweis für Rollstuhlfahrer_innen: Am Eingang der Lettrétage sind zwei kleine Stufen, über die wir gerne hinweghelfen. For further information see: inter_poems 4 benefits from the financial support of the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, the principal public partner. inter_poems is funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds | Contact | Privacy | Terms

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