Really, Really Free Market!

A RRFM is a place where all things are free! Bring stuff to give away (not necessary), take stuff you need. The «free market» benefits big corporations. The «really, really free market» benefits the rest of us. All are welcome, please invite your friends! Note: we ask that you bring home your items that are not taken if possible. We will be at the north end of the park, closer to Dufferin St and Rideau St. (you can walk down the hill at Dufferin). Rain location: AKA, 75 Queen St, unit 1, up the ramp. If you are able to bring a folding table or a tent with you that we can use during the RRFM, that would be great! We will have a few on hand. We are also looking for volunteers to help with the event. Contact rrfmkingston[at]riseup[dot]net to get involved. This event is presented in partnership with OPIRG Kingston as part of Alternative Frosh. | Contact | Privacy | Terms

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