This event is a lecture series given by , a psychology professor at UBC who focuses on Research interests: Psychological Disorders (especially Bipolar Disorder), Epilepsy, Long Term Potentiation and Metaplasticity, New Media and other Artistic Practices, Artist-Scientist Collaborations, Teaching of Psychology, Science Writing, , a principal at Edmonds Community School and an education professor at UBC, and , who has done education work with refugees in Canada and abroad for 10years. This talk will be about how the current education system effects students mental health, and how well it incorporates and enables individuals who have exeptionalities to have the ability to succeed in their education career. Attendence is free, and is open to all. The real Time and Location is TBD, as the event’s date will change from March 29th, at 6:30 P.M. | Contact | Privacy | Terms